Northlake Park Dress Code


The standards for the dress code at NorthLake Park (NLP) have been established by the Orange County Public Schools, the administrative team, and the parents at NorthLake Park. These standards apply to all students in grades K-5. If a student is not in uniform, it is expected that they still dress according to the NLPCS dress code.

In adopting this policy, it is NorthLake Park Community School’s purpose and intent to enable its students, faculty and staff to experience community pride and school spirit, continue improving student academic achievement, and maintain proper school behavior and discipline.

Monday – Friday: the basic uniform clothing for girls and boys in K-5 shall consist of a long or short sleeved navy blue, hunter green, burgundy or white collared blouse or polo shirt worn with a navy blue or khaki (tan) pants, shorts, skirt, skort, capris or jumper. No jeans except on Fridays and paired with a Spirit Shirt or uniform shirt. Spirit Shirts (NLP logo) may be worn any day of the week.

A. Clothes shall be worn as they are designed – suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, or underwear being exposed.

B. Pants are to fit appropriately. No over-sized pants that do not stay up at the waist. Belts are to be worn if clothing has belt loops.

C. Clothing with holes, tears or inappropriate patches will not be allowed if considered obscene.

D. Bare midriffs and bare sides should not show even when arms are extended above the head.

E. Sleeves of shirts/blouses must follow the four finger wide rule at the shoulders.

F. Clothing that is too tight or revealing is unacceptable.

G. Garments and/or jewelry which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol or tobacco related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn. No T-shirts with any type of graphic other than NLP school logo are allowed.

H. Gang paraphernalia, jewelry, tattoos or other insignias which display, suggest, provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruptions are not allowed.

I. The following items have potential to cause disruption or threat to a safe and positive school environment and are prohibited:

  1.  Hats, caps, visors, sunglasses or bandanas while on campus during the school day.
  2.  Chains hanging from the neck, belt, pocket or attached to wallet.
  3.  Jewelry that contains any type of sharp object.

J. Hemlines of shorts, dresses, skirts and skorts shall be no shorter than mid-thigh. Pants and shorts cannot be rolled down at the waist.

K. The uniform dress code shall not prohibit students from wearing coats, jackets, sweaters or other appropriate outer garments when necessary due to weather conditions or for other legitimate reasons. However, sweaters and sweatshirts must comply with the color code. Hooded jackets cannot cover the head inside the school.

L. Shoes shall be worn at all times. The following are not acceptable:

  1.  Thong sandals
  2.  Cleated shoes
  3.  Shoes with rollers that eject from them.
  4.  Backless shoes
  5.  Shoes with more than a one inch heel. No spiked heels are permitted.
  6.  Crocs or similar type shoes.


Financial Considerations:

A. Financial Hardships: No student shall be denied attendance at school or be otherwise penalized for failing to wear clothing that complies with the uniform dress code if such failure is due to financial hardship.

B. Assistance: The Principal and SAC shall develop procedures and criteria to offer assistance to students who would have or are having difficulty complying with their school’s uniform dress code due to financial hardships; and shall develop a program to provide for donations of clothing or financial assistance, consignment shops or reuse of uniform clothing or similar program that would alleviate such financial hardships.

C. Parents may contact the registrar, health room attendant or classroom teacher if uniform assistance is needed.


New Students: Students entering NorthLake Park Community School during the school year shall be granted a grace period of 2 weeks before being expected to comply with the uniform dress code. They must be in compliance with OCPS/NLP dress code as stated above.


Exceptions to the uniform dress code shall be permitted when:

  1. A student wears a uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as the Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts on regular meeting days.
  2. A student wears a costume or special clothing necessary for a school play or other school sponsored activity as permitted by the Principal.
  3. The wearing of clothing in compliance with the uniform dress code violates a student’s sincerely held religious belief.
  4. A student’s parent or guardian has secured an exemption from the uniform dress code after applying for exemption with the Principal.

Dress Code Documents